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 Hurricane Gustav

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Number of posts : 3148
Age : 29
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Hurricane Gustav Empty
PostSubject: Hurricane Gustav   Hurricane Gustav EmptySun Aug 31, 2008 10:43 am

NEW ORLEANS — Spooked by predictions that Hurricane Gustav could grow into a Category 5 monster, an estimated 1 million people fled the Gulf Coast Saturday, even before the official order came for New Orleans residents to get out of the way of a storm taking dead aim at Louisiana.

Mayor Ray Nagin gave the mandatory order late Saturday, but all day residents took to buses, trains, planes and cars, clogging roads leading away from New Orleans, still reeling three years after Hurricane Katrina flooded 80 percent of the city and killed about 1,600 across the region.

The evacuation of New Orleans becomes mandatory at 8 a.m. today along the west bank of the Mississippi River and at noon on the east bank. Nagin called Gustav the "mother of all storms" and told residents to "get out of town. This is not the one to play with."

"For everyone thinking they can ride this storm out, I have news for you: That will be one of the biggest mistakes you can make in your life."

Nagin said those choosing to remain in their homes should have an ax to chop through their roof when the floodwaters rise.

In St. Bernard Parish, just east of New Orleans, officials had already ordered a mandatory evacuation Saturday. Similar orders were given in the parishes of Plaquemines, St. Charles and lower Jefferson, southwest of New Orleans.

Gustav had killed at least 81 people in the Caribbean by Saturday, and if current forecasts hold up, it would make U.S. landfall Monday.

The National Hurricane Center issued a hurricane watch extending from High Island, Texas, to the Alabama-Florida border. That means hurricane conditions are possible within the watch area, generally within 36 hours.

"This is coming from the National Hurricane Center," Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal said. "This storm could be as bad as it gets. Storm surge could be 15 to 20 feet, worse than Katrina."

President Bush, widely criticized for the federal government's delayed response to Katrina, called leaders in Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Texas to promise them "the full support" of his administration.

White House officials were considering whether to reschedule his trip to the Republican National Convention which is set to start Monday, and convention officials were weighing whether to make changes to the program, in deference to Gustav.

Republican presidential candidate John McCain and his running mate, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, planned to go to Jackson, Miss., today to check on people getting prepared for the storm.

Forecasters said it was too soon to say whether New Orleans would take another direct hit, but residents weren't taking chances, judging by the bumper-to-bumper traffic pouring from the city. Gas stations were running out of fuel and phone circuits were jammed.

Hurricane-center forecasters said they were surprised at how quickly Gustav gained strength as it slammed into Cuba's tobacco-growing western tip. It went from a tropical storm to a Category 4 hurricane in about 24 hours and was likely to become a Category 5 — with sustained winds of more than 155 mph — by today.

"That puts a different light on our evacuations," said Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) chief David Paulison.

Gustav roared into Cuba late Saturday with sustained winds of 150 mph after moving over its Isla de Juventud province, where it toppled telephone poles, mango and almond trees and peeled back the tin roofs of homes.

Isla de Juventud civil-defense chief Ana Isla said there were "many people injured" on the island south of mainland Cuba, but no reports of deaths. She said nearly all its roads were washed out and some regions were heavily flooded. Authorities evacuated at least 240,000 people from western Cuba.

As part of the evacuation plan New Orleans developed after Katrina, residents who had no other way to get out of the city waited in a line that snaked for more than a mile through the parking lot of the city's main transit terminal. From there, they were boarding buses bound for shelters in north Louisiana.

"I don't like it," said Joseph Jones Jr., 61. "Going some place you don't know, people you don't know. And then when you come back, is your house going to be OK?"

Jones had been in line for 2 ½ hours, but he wasn't complaining about the wait. During Katrina, he'd been stranded on a highway overpass.

Unlike Katrina, when thousands took refuge inside the Superdome, there will be no "last-resort" shelter, and those who stay behind accept "all responsibility for themselves and their loved ones," said the city's emergency-preparedness director, Jerry Sneed.

Yet the presence of 2,000 National Guard troops that were expected to join 1,400 New Orleans police officers patrolling the streets after the evacuation — along with the governor's request to neighboring states for rescue teams — suggested officials were expecting stragglers.

Two East Texas counties also issued mandatory evacuation orders. National Guard soldiers on Mississippi's coast were going door to door to alert thousands of families in FEMA trailers and cottages that they should be prepared to evacuate today.

In Alabama 3,000 National Guard personnel assembled to help evacuees from Mississippi and Louisiana.

As of midday Saturday, more than three-fourths of the Gulf's oil production and nearly 40 percent of its natural-gas output had been shut down.

Information from Cox News Service and The New York Times is included.

Copyright © 2008 The Seattle Times Company

Everyone OK? I can't beleive this is happening!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!
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Number of posts : 3148
Age : 29
Location : Australia

Hurricane Gustav Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hurricane Gustav   Hurricane Gustav EmptySun Aug 31, 2008 10:46 am

Just adding a note, Petrol Prices will be bumped up HEAPS I suppose. I hope it doesn't go up 50 cents...but those are the predictions ATM!!!! AHHH
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Kong Harald 6.

Number of posts : 4617

Hurricane Gustav Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hurricane Gustav   Hurricane Gustav EmptySun Aug 31, 2008 10:47 am

lol not my problem really xD
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Number of posts : 3148
Age : 29
Location : Australia

Hurricane Gustav Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hurricane Gustav   Hurricane Gustav EmptySun Aug 31, 2008 10:50 am

Neither...but don't u think the world will face more of these...and worse...more often...till we are all dead.
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Kong Harald 6.

Number of posts : 4617

Hurricane Gustav Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hurricane Gustav   Hurricane Gustav EmptySun Aug 31, 2008 10:53 am

yup that's what I was trying to say in that other topic. it'll be like hell
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Number of posts : 215
Age : 30
Location : louisiana

Hurricane Gustav Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hurricane Gustav   Hurricane Gustav EmptySun Aug 31, 2008 1:13 pm

dude i live where the hurricane is coming so if i never get back on i died so ya lol

oh and the hurricane is the largest any one has ever faced that has been recoreded so pray for those on the west side =D

i live on like 26 miles or so away from new orleans so ya

i havnt evacuwated either

oh and the reason the prices have gone up is cause they stopped all off shore work D=
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Number of posts : 3815
Age : 29
Location : Wisconsin, USA

Hurricane Gustav Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hurricane Gustav   Hurricane Gustav EmptySun Aug 31, 2008 6:08 pm

yea all those oil rigs out there in the gulf... sux for them and the ppl payin for gas...

todd did u copy and paste tht from an article Shocked tongue
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Number of posts : 215
Age : 30
Location : louisiana

Hurricane Gustav Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hurricane Gustav   Hurricane Gustav EmptySun Aug 31, 2008 6:24 pm

my dad is so pissed about the prices lol
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Number of posts : 3148
Age : 29
Location : Australia

Hurricane Gustav Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hurricane Gustav   Hurricane Gustav EmptyMon Sep 01, 2008 7:22 am

Ya...i copied and the bottom. It has COPYRIGHT. Razz
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Number of posts : 3815
Age : 29
Location : Wisconsin, USA

Hurricane Gustav Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hurricane Gustav   Hurricane Gustav EmptyMon Sep 01, 2008 2:50 pm

btw its dying lol... its not gunna b as bad as katrina waz
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Number of posts : 176
Age : 29
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Hurricane Gustav Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hurricane Gustav   Hurricane Gustav EmptyMon Sep 01, 2008 11:14 pm

woohoo im not in america... canada ftw
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Kong Harald 6.

Number of posts : 4617

Hurricane Gustav Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hurricane Gustav   Hurricane Gustav EmptyTue Sep 02, 2008 4:03 pm

inprogress wrote:
woohoo im not in america... canada ftw

lolz. There are like 180 countries without hurricanes xD
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Number of posts : 176
Age : 29
Location : Canada

Hurricane Gustav Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hurricane Gustav   Hurricane Gustav EmptyTue Sep 02, 2008 11:52 pm

stfu don't ruin my moment haha oh and also new orleans didn't get much off the hurricane or something apparently my friend told me it wasn't much damage to new orleans
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Kong Harald 6.

Number of posts : 4617

Hurricane Gustav Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hurricane Gustav   Hurricane Gustav EmptyWed Sep 03, 2008 12:59 pm

yeah i've heard that too..
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Number of posts : 215
Age : 30
Location : louisiana

Hurricane Gustav Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hurricane Gustav   Hurricane Gustav EmptyWed Sep 03, 2008 10:22 pm

ya the hurricane ened up just being all bark and no bite lol

gustav is katrinas bi*** basiclly
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Hurricane Gustav Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hurricane Gustav   Hurricane Gustav Empty

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Hurricane Gustav
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